4 Egg Boiled Brown Rice - Proteinbarcafe

4 Egg Boiled Brown Rice

4 Egg Boiled Brown Rice


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A 4 egg boiled brown rice meal can be a nutritious and satisfying option, depending on how it’s prepared and what else you eat with it. Here’s a breakdown of the nutritional value and some things to consider:

Nutritional Value:

  • Brown Rice: One cup of cooked long-grain brown rice contains roughly:
    • Calories: 248
    • Carbs: 52g
    • Fiber: 3.2g
    • Protein: 5.5g
    • Fat: 2g
    • Vitamins: B vitamins, thiamin, niacin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid
    • Minerals: Iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium
  • Eggs: One large hard-boiled egg contains roughly:
    • Calories: 77
    • Carbs: 0.6g
    • Protein: 6.3g
    • Fat: 5.3g
    • Cholesterol: 212mg
    • Vitamins: Vitamin A, B vitamins (B2, B12, B5), vitamin D
    • Minerals: Phosphorus, selenium, zinc, calcium

Total for 4 eggs and 1 cup brown rice:

  • Calories: ~472
  • Carbs: ~52.6g
  • Protein: ~27.2g
  • Fat: ~10.6g
  • Cholesterol: ~848mg (depending on preparation methods)
  • Vitamins and minerals: Varies depending on specific ingredients and cooking methods

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